Broken Wings

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Images shows letter blocks on living in faith and life everday.
Authentic Christianity: My Faith And Life
Authentic Christianity, in my world of faith and life, is more like: surviving a hurricane of emotions. Finding joy in the mundane – like having the squished cupcake that my son refused...
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Image shows a green sign with the words challenges with a backdrop of a mountain and blue, cloud filled sky.
Challenges faced by teenagers: A Mom's Guide
My creatures are called teenagers who somehow manage to combine the emotional maturity of a teaspoon with the fashion sense of a toddler. As a mom with a 16-year-old daughter, Elana,...
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image depicts the difficulties of a teenager
Difficulties of being a teenager
They say raising teenagers is an adventure. Well, with a daughter who is 16 and a son who is 13, navigating the ‘difficulties of being a teenager’ phase is an adventure...
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A caregiver parent with her son
Journey of Reflections from a Caregiver Parent
It will be four years on the 11th March 2024 since my precious boy passed away. I have been reflecting on my caregiver parent journey, Oh What an incredible journey of both joy and...
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Letting Go, Holding On: The Bittersweet Joy of Raising Teenagers
Ah, teenagers. Creatures who morph from cuddly caterpillars into opinionated butterflies overnight, leaving you equal parts proud and bewildered. One minute they’re building pillow...
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Image shows a tic-tac-toe representation of different types of boundries in relationships
Different types of boundaries in relationships
We all know the saying, “Good fences make good neighbors.” But what about relationships? What kind of boundaries do we need to set up in order to have happy, healthy, and...
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learn more about me

I look forward to meeting you, and having you share this journey with me. How ever difficult it may be, I believe we can learn, grow and heal together.

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I was a care-giver mom for 16 years to my severely disabled son, Jaden. He had cerebral Palsy (CP), spastic quadriplegia which meant he had severe brain damage that affected all his motor and brain functions. 

He was wheel-chair bound and I fed him through a feeding tube. The journey was hard but I would gladly do it all over again. Jaden was an incredible little one, who suffered daily but always wore the biggest and brightest smile. 

Since Jaden gained his wings I feel like mine are truly broken, I feel broken and every day is an emotional battlefield. My journey now is so different to what it was then when he was alive, when he was my purpose. 

Now, I feel my purpose is to share my journey, my knowledge and find my faith in order to heal these broken wings.