Experiencing New Things – Spicing Up Life

I think that one of the best things in life is experiencing new things; it’s always great to step out of your comfort zone and try something different. I know that for me, living a monotonous life can be really boring and it’s definitely not the way I want to live. I love exploring and trying new things, and I encourage everyone else to do the same!

There’s no need to be scared even though it is natural to be – just go for it and see where it will lead you! 🙂

Experience something new

Doing something new can be a great way to broaden your horizons and learn new things. It can also be a great way to meet new people and make new friends. And, of course, it can be a lot of fun (and who doesn’t like to have fun). There are all sorts of new things to do, from trying new things to visiting new places.

You might even want to try something completely different, like learning a new language or taking up a new hobby.

There’s something exciting and invigorating about doing something fresh regardless of what it is, it can help you to see the world in a different way and give you a sense of accomplishment.

image saying embrace new things-green and white signage with blue sky

I like trying new things

I love trying new things. It’s one of my favorite things to do. I’m always up for anything, whether it’s a new food (Ok, I struggle a bit with this one), a new activity, or even just a new experience. I think that life is all about the adventure. I even parasailed one time; it was great but when I landed I got tangled in my harness (ya it doesn’t happen often and what do you know it happened to me).

If you know me personally then you will know that I am a magnet for the bazaar – either I am really lucky or really unlucky there is never a middle ground for me.

Yet still for me, trying new things is all about growth regardless of outcome. It’s about expanding my horizons and learning. Every time I try something new, I am working through self-doubt and over thinking but I’m growing as a person. Adding to my knowledge and my experiences, like notches on a bedpost.

And, even if something doesn’t work out (which is more often than you think), I still gain valuable lessons (or scars) from the experience.

I encourage everyone to try new things. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone (trust me with my luck, I should be more afraid than you) Life is too short to play it safe all the time.

Trying new things examples

There’s something exciting about a chance to step out of your comfort zone, and maybe even make some mistakes along the way. Of course, it can also be a bit scary. But that’s part of the fun, right?

Here are a few examples of things you might want to try:

1. Learning a new skill

Whether it’s painting, cooking, or coding, learning a new skill can be both challenging and rewarding. And who knows? You might just find that you’re gifted at something you never would have thought to try. This is relative because you don’t have to be great at it, just try it so you can tick it off your bucket list.

2. Visiting a new place

Travel can be a great way to learn about new cultures and see things you’ve never seen before. So why not pick a destination you’ve always wanted to visit and take the plunge? I did Greece but that was both a dream and a nightmare (pic of me-with short hair- on a Greek island jetty below between pics of the jet I flew in). However, I definitely want to expand on my travel one day, you know when I’m big and win the lottery.

Me standing on a jetty in Greece, while posing for a photo.

3. Trying a new food

If you’re tired of your usual culinary routine, why not experiment with some new flavors? Branch out beyond your go-to comfort foods and see what else is out there waiting to be discovered. I have to admit, I struggle with this one. I will be game to mostly anything physical but if you come at me with weird foods that look alive or I can’t pronounce then you are on your own bud.

4. Meeting new people

One of the best ways to expand your horizons is by meeting new people. Whether it’s making small talk with strangers or attending social events outside your usual circle, getting to know new people can be both fun and eye-opening. My teen finds this challenging as she does not find this particularly fun.

This would be a big deal for my husband too who thinks that meeting people is a chore and literally approaches this endeavor as “Let’s get this over with”.

However, I give him major props for it anyway because it is something new for him and that is the point, experiencing new things.

5. Taking on a new challenge

I had always wanted to experience flying but not in the normal fashion but like true TOPGUN style (Topgun-my favorite movie franchise starring Tom Cruise that is beyond epic). Amazingly enough I got my chance, thanks to a Cosmopolitan competition I won in 1999! I got an opportunity to fly in a Jet at Thunder City, a company based at Cape Town International airport; they allow civilians to fly with South Africa’s top pilots (my pilot was Anthony, call-sign: ANT-MAN).

My pilot getting ready to take me on a flight with a black jet.

The experience was both terrifying and exhilarating. To be supersonic and hearing that sonic boom while trying not to hyperventilate if it weren’t for the mild sedatives my nerves (and my stomach contents) would have gotten the best of me. I was going into 5-G flips and twirls, being tossed like an Italian chef tosses pizza base while being pinned with the G-force into immovability like gum to a shoe.

Did I see my life flash before my eyes? Yes

Did I regret it? Hell no!! It was phenomenal and I got to watch the movie Maverick knowing firsthand how it felt to break the sound barrier.

Would I do it again?  No fricking way! I am not even sure how I managed to wear that big heavy Maewest life vest, nor how I let them put the air force pilot helmet on my head. Or even how I sat in that small enclosed jet, all while being petrified of closed spaces!

BUT challenging yourself is a great way to grow as well as learn and that, my friends, is what I take from every new experience.

Me standing in a flight uniform getting ready to embark in a black jet.

Trying something new everyday

Trying something new every day sounds like it would be pretty difficult to do. I mean, how many new things can a person really try in a day? And what qualifies as “new” anyway? Well, according to one study, the answer is “quite a lot.” The study found that people who make a point of trying something new every day reported higher levels of satisfaction with their lives than those who didn’t.

So, what counts as “new”? It doesn’t have to be something big or earth-shattering. Just something that you don’t normally do and that gets you out of your comfort zone, even if it’s just a little bit. For example, maybe you normally walk to work, but today you take the bus instead. Or maybe you always have scrambled eggs for breakfast, but today you try poached eggs instead.

It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it’s something different. So why not give it a try? You might just find that your life is a little bit more interesting – and satisfying as a result.

What happens to your brain when we try something new?

When we try something new, our brains are physically altered in order to accommodate the new experience. This is because our brains are constantly growing and changing in response to our environment and experiences. When we encounter something new, our brains create new neural pathways in order to process and store the information. This process of creating new neural pathways is known as Neuroplasticity [1].

Neuroplasticity allows us to learn new skills, remember new information, and make new connections. It is an essential part of who we are as humans and it helps us to adapt and thrive in a constantly changing world. So, next time you’re trying something new, remember that you’re not just doing it for fun – you’re actually giving your brain a workout!

orange-toned floating hot air balloon with a colorful backdrop of mountain & foliage

What do you call someone who likes to try new things?

There’s a word for people who like to try new things; neophiliacs [2]. Neophilia is the love of novelty and comes from the Greek word “NEO” meaning new. People with this personality trait are often curious and adventurous, and they’re always up for something new. They’re also quick to adapt to change and thrive on challenge.

They also tend to look a lot like Keanu Reeves, pursued by Morpheus and they always take the red pill because it reveals the world for what it truly is (I’m kidding, I’m just a huge fan and I couldn’t resist ha-ha).

Neophiliacs often have a wide range of interests, and they’re always learning new things. This can make them seem like “jacks of all trades” but it also means they’re never bored. Studies have shown that neophilia is linked to higher intelligence, creativity, and mental flexibility [3].

So if you’re always up for a new experience, you might just be a neophiliacs and may have traces of the red pill inside you 😉

Why is it important to try new things?

It helps us to grow and learn. As we age, it becomes easy to get into a routine and stick to the same old things. However, trying original things forces us to step out of our comfort zone and learn extra skills. It can also be a great way to rally people and experience different cultures.

In addition, trying new things can help to boost our mood and increase our sense of well-being. When we do something that is outside of our normal routine, it can give us a sense of exhilaration and adventure.

adventurous Couple holding a map while standing on the rocks with a backdrop of blue skys and open water

Benefits of trying new things

Trying new things can be incredibly rewarding, both personally and professionally. It can help you to learn more about yourself and the world around you, and it can also lead to new opportunities and experiences.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of trying new things:

1. You’ll learn more about yourself

Trying new things gives you a chance to step outside of your safe zone and learn more about what you’re capable of. You may be surprised by your own strengths and abilities, and you’ll likely gain a greater sense of self-confidence in the process.

2. You’ll learn more about the world around you

Trying new things is also a great way to expand your knowledge and understanding of the world around you. You’ll be exposed to new cultures, ideas, and perspectives, which can help you to see the world in a whole new light.

3. You’ll open yourself up to new opportunities

Trying new things can also lead to new opportunities, both personal and professional. You never know where your newly acquired skills and knowledge might take you!

4. You’ll have more fun

Life is too short to stick to the same old routine day after day. Trying new things will add some much-needed variety and excitement to your life, and you’re sure to have some fun along the way.

Is trying new things a hobby?

Trying new things can feel like a hobby. For some people, there is rush from the anticipation of the unknown and enjoyment from the challenge of learning something new. For others, trying new things is more anxiety-provoking than fun. They prefer to stick with what they know and feel comfortable with.

But whether you enjoy it or not, trying new things is an essential part of life. It helps you grow and learn, expand your horizons and build self-confidence. It can also be a great source of enjoyment and satisfaction.

So next time you’re feeling bored or stuck in a rut, why not try something new? You might just surprise yourself.

A hanging hammock tied onto green palm trees on a golden sandy beach

Why is trying new things scary?

Trying new things can be scary for a lot of reasons. For one, we’re hardwired to stick to what’s familiar because it feels safe. After all, our ancestors who tried new things were more likely to end up as dinner for some predator. But there’s also a more psychological reason why we’re afraid of the unknown: it’s called the ambiguity effect [4].

Studies have shown that people tend to shy away from situations with uncertain outcomes. And since trying new things usually means venturing into the unknown, it’s no surprise that we often find them daunting.

So next time you’re feeling scared about trying something new, remember that you’re not alone—we’re all hardwired to feel this way. But it’s important to push past our fears and call on our courage and brave new things anyway. After all, that’s how we grow and learn.

Why does change give me anxiety?

Change is hard. Period. It doesn’t matter if the change is big or small, personal or professional, positive or negative – change is always a little bit scary. And that’s because change means stepping outside of our comfort zone. And our comfort zone is a safe place. It’s familiar, and it’s predictable. Stepping outside of that comfort zone means leaving the safety of the known behind, and that can be really anxiety-inducing.

But why does change give us anxiety? Well, there’s actually a scientific explanation for it. When we’re faced with something new, our brain activates what’s called the fight-or-flight response. This is an evolutionary mechanism that helped our ancestors survive when they were faced with dangers like predators or natural disasters (a charging T-rex would definitely give some sort of reaction).

The fight-or-flight response kicks in when we’re faced with something new or unfamiliar, and it causes our heart rate to increase, our breathing to quicken, and our muscles to tense up. Basically, it gets our whole body ready to either fight or take off running – neither of which is particularly helpful when we’re just trying to deal with a small change in our everyday lives.

So, the next time you’re feeling anxious about a change, remind yourself that it’s just your brain’s way of trying to keep you safe. And then take a deep breath and plunge into the unknown – you might just find that you like it on the other side.

Whitish Letter tile blocks spelling TRY but the T is green-meaning time to reinvent yourself written in explanation  beside each letter

What stops people from trying new things?

FEAR. That’s what stops people from trying new things. Fear of the unknown, fear of failing, fear of not being good enough. We’re wired for self-preservation, so it’s no wonder that we’re often reluctant to step out of our comfort zones. But there’s good news – we can overcome our fears and learn to embrace new experiences. It starts with understanding why we’re scared and then finding ways to counter our negative thoughts with positive ones.

For example, if you’re afraid of public speaking, remind yourself that everyone else in the room is just as nervous as you are. Or if you’re worried about not being good enough at a new hobby, remind yourself that practice makes perfect. When we can reframe our fears in a more positive light, they become much easier to manage—and that’s when we can start to enjoy all the wonderful things that life has to offer.

Wrapping up – Experiencing New Things

Of course, all this mentioned above are just a small sampling of all the possibilities out there. The sky’s the limit when it comes to trying new things, so don’t be afraid to explore. Who knows? You might just find something you love, whether it’s sampling a cuisine you’ve never had before (working on this) or jumping out of an airplane (with a parachute, of course ).

Life is too short to not experience all it has to offer, take some risks and enjoy the adventure! What will you do today to add some spice to your life?

Let me know in the comments below.


Charlene is a published author/writer who has embarked on a personal journey, with the hope of providing guidance, support and advice to all who may need it.

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