Why Reading Is Beneficial | My Personal Experiences

When I’m reading a good book, I get lost in the story and I forget about everything else going on. It’s a great way to escape from reality. And I think that’s one of the reasons why reading is beneficial – because it allows me to take a break from my everyday life. Not that my life is awful but because I suffer daily trying to cope with overwhelming feelings within myself.

You can benefit too. There are so many different kinds of books out there that there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re into reading about a passionate romance filled with danger or true stories on the minds of our former presidents or the comic hero world, there’s definitely a book out there for you.

So if you’re looking for a way to just free your mind, instead of taking the blue pill (yes, that’s a Matrix reference ha-ha) I highly recommend picking up a book and giving it a try!

open book with magical text coming out the pages

Why reading is more beneficial than watching television

Reading has always been my favorite pastime. Even as a child, I would often be found with my nose buried in a book. I loved getting lost in other worlds and filling my head with whimsy without ever having to leave my home.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to appreciate even more the many benefits of reading. For one thing, reading is an active activity that requires our brains to process and make sense of the words on the page. In contrast, watching television is a passive activity that doesn’t really engage our brains in the same way.

Studies have shown that reading can help improve our focus and concentration, while also reducing stress levels. Reading can also stimulate our imaginations and help us to better understand the world around us. In short, there are many good reasons why reading is more beneficial than watching television [1].

Image showing hand holding a tv remote vs hands holding an open book

Benefits of reading for adults   

Most people can easily recall spending lazy afternoons sprawled on the living room couch, watching TV. While there’s nothing wrong with occasional TV time, when it becomes a habit it can be detrimental to your health. A growing body of research has shown that too much screen time can lead to a number of problems, including obesity; poor sleep habits, and decreased attention span [2].

In contrast, reading has been shown to be advantageous for both minds as well as the body which is why reading is beneficial.

Regular reading can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.  And for those who are trying to lose weight, reading can be more effective than watching TV, since it requires more mental energy and helps to curb snacking. If that is not reason enough to be more body positive then I don’t know what is.

Benefits of reading for children

Most people are aware of the basic benefits of reading – it improves your literacy skills, helps you to focus and concentrate, and can even reduce stress levels. However, what many people don’t realize is that reading can also have a hugely positive impact on children.

Here are just a few of the ways in which reading can benefit young learners:

1. Reading helps children to develop their imaginations

When kids read stories, they are transported to adventure-filled worlds, where anything is possible. This can inspire them to be creative in their own lives and to think outside the box.

2. Reading helps children to develop empathy

When kids read about characters’ experiences, they learn to understand and share their feelings. This can teach them how to relate to others and how to empathize with people who are different from them.

3. Reading helps children to improve their literacy skills

The more they read, the better they will become at decoding words and understanding spelling as well as grammar rules. This will help them immensely when they start school and begin learning to read along with writing independently.

4. Reading is just plain fun!

Children who enjoy reading will likely continue to do so throughout their lives, reaping all of the aforementioned benefits as well as many others. So make sure to encourage your child’s love of reading from an early age – it will make all the difference in their educational journey.

Sunset Silhouette of a boy reading and sitting against a tree trunk

Health benefits of reading

1. Improve emotional well-being

The reasons why reading is beneficial are endless. These include reducing stress, improving brain function and memory, and protecting against cognitive decline. In addition, reading can also improve emotional well-being, even ward off depression and anxiety.

Gosh, reading and music help me survive when I just want to crawl under the comforter and stay there. Hence I agree, it helps to just get a handle on my feelings of hopelessness and just all around the ‘too much’ feeling of everything.

2. Reduce stress levels

One of the most well-known benefits of reading is its ability to reduce stress levels. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. Reading helps to distract the mind from stressful thoughts and allows the body to relax, promoting feelings of contentment.

I know this to be true as books have often got me through many a tough period. Whether it be waiting for long periods of time at doctor’s appointments, late nights up with my son that wouldn’t sleep, or even shut off from the world in my darkest moments. Books were and are my constant companions.

3. Improve brain function and memory

In addition to reducing nervous tension levels, reading has also been shown to improve brain function and memory. This is because reading helps to exercise the brain and improve information processing speeds. This helps forge new connections between different areas of the brain, which can improve problem-solving skills.

As someone who had problems growing up with learning impediments, once again I will advocate how much reading did for me. In terms of helping me concentrate and access my ability to remember even with a short attention span.

4. Protect against cognitive decline

Regular reading can help protect against cognitive decline in later life [3]. This is because the act of reading keeps the brain active and engaged, which may help to delay or prevent the onset of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

woman laying on her back on a rock, at the riverside with a book in her hands

Benefits of reading before bed

There are few things more enjoyable than curling up with a good book before bed. But did you know that reading before bed can also offer some significant benefits? For one, it can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

If you’re feeling wound up before bed, reading can be a great way to help you mellow out and get ready for sleep. So, if you’re looking for a way to relax and improve your sleep, try picking up a book before bed instead of watching TV or scrolling through social media.

Honestly, though, this doesn’t seem to be the case for me because when I read a good book then I want to know what happens ASAP. My tendency is to lay into the wee hours till I finish the book and find out if they lived happily ever after (yes, I know I’m that corny).

However, I am a bookworm with weirdo tendencies so probably doesn’t apply to people like me 🙂

Advantages of reading

There are countless advantages to reading, both for individuals and for society as a whole. For starters, it helps to develop critical thinking and communication skills. It also expands our knowledge and understanding of the world, and can even help to improve our mental and physical health.

I have no qualifications whatsoever, yet I can hold my own simply because I am book-smart. Knowledge is power. So, one should never underestimate or undermine someone who learns not for a qualification but because they thirst for knowledge.

At a broader level, reading plays an important role in the development of strong and thriving communities. Well-read citizens are more likely to vote, volunteer, and participate in their local community. Also, they are more likely to be tolerant of others and to have empathy for those who are different from them.

In short, reading is essential for both individuals and society as a whole. There is simply no downside to encouraging more people to pick up a book.

Open book of a castle Greenlands laying on against a backdrop moonlit sky, depics the magic of books

Psychological benefits of reading

Reading has been shown to offer numerous psychological benefits. For example, it can also boost self-esteem and self-confidence, and promote compassion as well as perception. Plus, it can spur people to explore new ideas and perspectives.

Reading provides a much-needed diversion from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. Whether you’re lost in a gripping novel or exploring a new non-fiction subject, reading can be a powerful tool for promoting mental well-being.

So next time you’re feeling snowed under or frazzled out, consider reaching for a book instead of the remote control or phone.

Wrapping Up | Why Reading Is Beneficial

And there you have it, friends! sufficient evidence to make the case that reading more can only improve your life in a number of ways–so what are you waiting for? Make like a tree and leaf (get it?) this article, go forth, and read to your heart’s content. Your future self will thank you for it.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by a concerned citizen who would like everyone to live their best lives possible. You’re welcome!


Charlene is a published author/writer who has embarked on a personal journey, with the hope of providing guidance, support and advice to all who may need it.

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