An autumn leaf with a white stone engraved with the word faith on it.

Why is Faith Important in Everyday Life – My Own Take

I remember the day my son died like it was yesterday. The smell of the hospital, the sounds of the ICU machines, my son laying on that bed while the medical team scrambled around him…I remember everything.

Everything inside of me felt like it was collapsing, breaking…  It felt like something had been taken from me that I could never get back. And even though time has passed, that pain is still very real. Losing a loved one is hard enough, but when you add in the feeling of emptiness that comes with not having faith, it can be downright unbearable.

What is faith in your own words?

But what is faith anyway? The online dictionary defines faith as “a firm belief in something for which there is no proof” [1]. So by that definition, faith is basically belief in something without any evidence whatsoever. And to be honest, that’s a tough pill to swallow…

But over the years, I’ve come to realize that faith isn’t about having all the answers or knowing things for certain. It’s more about trusting in a higher power despite not being able to see everything clearly. That kind of faith can make all the difference in the world especially when dealing with life and having body issues.

Faith, to me, is primarily about trust and provision. It’s believing that there is a reliable source of strength and support, even when everything around me is crumbling. It’s trusting that this source will provide for my needs, even when I can’t see how things will work out.

And it’s knowing that this source always has my best interests at heart. Faith is also about hope. It’s accepting that, despite the darkness I may be facing in the present, there is light awaiting me in the future.

It is believing that my son is happy and whole somewhere. It’s holding onto the belief and that better days are ahead for Jaden, even when everything seems hopeless for me. In short, faith is about taking a leap of trust into the unknown and being confident that I will BE.

A lady with out stretched hands, skipping down a corridor, towards the outside light.

What is the purpose of faith?

For some people, faith is simply about believing in something because it brings comfort or peace of mind. For others, faith is about following a set of religious beliefs and living according to those teachings [2]. But ultimately, faith is whatever you believe in; it doesn’t have to be based on evidence or include religious beliefs.

And while faith might seem like something personal or private, it can actually be a very powerful force in our lives. It can give comfort when we’re grieving, and hope when things seem hopeless. It can also bring us together with other people who share our beliefs, creating a sense of community and belonging.

It’s what gives us strength to keep going when we feel like giving up. In short, faith is what makes life worth living and makes us want to start something fresh. It’s the glue that holds us together when everything else seems to be falling apart. Without faith, we would be lost.

How do you show faith in daily life?

For me, faith is not something that I display on a shelf or in a frame, in other words, it is not something I put on display for others to see. Instead, faith is something that is woven into the fabric of my everyday life. It’s the way I live my life, moment by moment and day by day.

It’s the choices I make, the people I surround myself with, and the things I give my time and attention to. Faith is also how I respond when life doesn’t go according to plan. It’s how I deal with marriage, parenting or disappointment, heartache, and loss.

Its how I find hope in the midst of darkness and how I keep going when all I want to do is give up. For me, faith is not a static thing; it’s dynamic and alive. And it’s something that I am constantly striving to build and strengthen.

A guy with a backpack taking a leap between 2 large rocks, with clouds in the background.

How does your faith impact your life?

It shapes my values, my relationships, and my actions. I was raised in a faith tradition that emphasized service to others and compassion for the poor and vulnerable. That tradition has instilled in me a strong sense of social responsibility, and I have always been drawn to work that helps to make the world a better place.

My faith also teaches me to see all people as equal in the eyes of God, and to treat them with kindness and respect. This principle guides my interactions with others, and it has helped me to build strong and lasting relationships.

It requires me to live according to certain moral standards. While these standards can be challenging at times, they provide a powerful framework for living a good and meaningful life.

Importance of faith in Christian life

Faith is an essential part of the Christian life. It is what allows us to believe in God, even when we cannot see Him. It is what gives us hope when we are faced with trials and adversity. And it is what allows us to love others, even when we feel they do not deserve it. Faith is not a feeling or an emotion; it is a decision.

It is a choice to believe in God, even when it would be easier to give up. The Bible tells us that faith pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). When we have faith, we are showing Him that we trust HIM, even when things are difficult.

The word faith highlighted in purple highlighter. It also answer the question of, why is faith important in everyday life.

We are saying that we believe HE is good, even when we do not understand what HE is doing. Having faith requires humility and dependence on God. It means admitting that we cannot do everything on our own and that we need HIM. But it is worth it because when we have faith, we can know that HE is always with us and that HE will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

I will be honest, I am still struggling with the ‘why God?’ phase but I am trying to hold on to my faith for no other reason but to believe my baby is in a better place. For how can I believe in a better place and not believe in HIM?

Wrapping up: Why is faith important in everyday life?

When people think about having faith, they often think about religious faith. But faith is so much more than that. Faith is the belief in something you can’t see or touch. It’s the belief that things will work out for the best, even when you don’t know how they will.

And it’s the belief that we are all connected; no matter what our differences are. To me, faith is one of the most important things in life. It helps us get through tough times and reminds us that there is something bigger than ourselves out there.

 Whether you believe in a higher power or not, I hope you’ll find value in having faith in yourself and others. Thank you for reading! 🙂


Charlene is a published author/writer who has embarked on a personal journey, with the hope of providing guidance, support and advice to all who may need it.

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