Image shows the word 'family' spelt out with wooded blocks on a wooden surface.

Family tradition project ideas

We all have our family traditions. Whether it’s something as simple as a Sunday roast chicken or a more complicated affair like visiting in-laws (just kidding), these traditions is part of what make us who we are. But what happens when we want to start our own families and create our own traditions?

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to honor your family’s past while creating new traditions for your future. Sometimes, breaking away is a little more complex but here are some ideas to get you started on your own family tradition project ideas.

Fun family tradition project ideas

Have a family movie night

Finding quality family time can be tough, especially with our busy schedules and hectic lives. That’s why it’s so important to take the time to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life, like a family movie night.

Spending hours on end watching your favorite films together with loved ones helps create unforgettable memories. And the best part? You don’t even have to leave home for a great time – just dim the lights, pop some popcorn, and let the good times roll! Next family movie night could be coming sooner than you think.

Image shows a depiction of family tradition project ideas of bonding while making homemade pizzas with different toppings.

Make homemade pizzas

Making homemade pizza is a great way to enjoy time with family and friends. It’s easy, it’s fun, and everyone gets to customize their own pizza with their favorite toppings. Whether you want something classic like pepperoni or something exotic like shrimp, there’s something for everyone.

Better yet, once the pizzas come out of the oven with melty cheese and golden-brown crusts, you’ll get to sample every topping combination and argue over who has the best one. Plus, making pizza at home means no waiting in line or cold slices – just hot fresh yumminess right when you want it!

Play a game or board game

There really is nothing better than the perfect board game or game night – it’s a great way to get your family, friends, or roommates together for some friendly competition and plenty of laughs.

This one work particularly well when bonding with my in-laws and we play 30 seconds, uno, or even bananagrams .  You can play whatever gets everyone in the nostalgia of childhood memories and brings out the competitive spirit!

 All you need is your chosen game, good company, good snacks to keep everyone’s energy levels up, and plenty of laughs(or in our case lots of screaming, shouting and cry laughing-nutshell, lots of noise haha). That’s how you’ve got yourself a truly enjoyable game night!

Image shows 3 individuals dressed warmly on an autumn hike walking a mountain trail on a cloudy day.

Go on a nature hike

Among the family tradition project ideas, this one is my favorite.  Going for a nature hike is an awesome way to explore the wonders of the natural world or get some much needed fresh air, away from tech. You will be of amazed at the benefits for your teens (and tweens) nature will have on them.

Once you get pass the moaning and groaning of those who do not wish to be outside, nature will work its magic. Enjoying those breathtaking views are worth all the sweat and complaining, trust me.

There’s no better way to deepen your appreciation, take deep breathes of that fresh mountain air (we live in cape Town)  and feel connected to it all! So why not grab your hiking boots, maybe a snack or three, and take off on an adventure – who knows what kind of discoveries await!

What is a good family tradition?

It should be special and meaningful enough to be remembered, yet adaptable enough to remain a part of your family’s life through changing generations. Whether it’s travelling every summer or eating around the table together twice a week or using the same set of recipes for Christmas each year.

Whatever family tradition you choose to start, it should always bring joy and positive memories. That way it will stay with your family no matter where they are or who else joins in – making it an unbreakable bond between all those connected.

Dine in restaurants you’ve never been before, those moments can shape and navigate your relationship into something stronger and more meaningful. Don’t forget to ask yourself what special activities would mean the world to you if they became one of your new family traditions?

Image shows a variety of yummy food being shared as different hands reach for all the delicious plated morsels

What are the 3 types of traditions?

There are three distinct types of traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation: cultural, religious and folkloric. Cultural traditions express the heritage of a particular group and show their individual values and customs.

Religious traditions honor spiritual beliefs from ancient times, expressing reverence towards gods, spirits and ancestors. Folkloric traditions {1} show the creativity of its people through singing, dancing, storytelling and food – all carrying special meanings to those with the shared history.

It is the combination of these three culturally-rich types of traditions that make this world a beautiful place to live in.

List of customs beliefs and traditions that you are practicing at home

I’ve always been proud of being part of a family with a great number of customs, beliefs,  traditions and rituals that have been passed down through the ages. These little moments have nourished me, accompanying me through many stages of life Celebrating important events like birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas with traditional homemade food that I love.

Telling stories and doing traditional games are all valued at home – they are our own way of connecting fascinating past moments to the present. Not only that, they also provide me with an incredible sense of identity and connection during times when the world can feel so uncertain.

Furthermore, everyday habits such as saying hello or goodbye with a kiss and a hug when we see or leave each other or even small gestures like tidying up before going out make us most happy. Being connected to what matters is essential for me, which makes these family tradition project ideas feel so alive!

Image shows common family tradition project ideas of gift giving as hands unwrap a red ribbon gold wrapped gift.

Family holiday traditions examples

Christmas{2} is the time of year when family and friends come together, at this time of year, family traditions become even more important. Those long-standing holiday customs continuing throughout generations, add to the festivity of the season.

Traditions can vary from household to household but some classic examples that help mark the occasion include carols on Christmas Eve, attending mass on Christmas morning and featured in many cultures – opening presents.

 Each family has their own unique way of celebrating these special occasions—it might be spending days before setting up decorations, driving around town looking at lights, singing together or simply coming together for an extra special meal.

No matter what traditions families adhere to, they all have one common thing: that feeling of warmth and joy that only comes during the holidays.


Al righty, folks:) That wraps up my list of family tradition project ideas. I hope you enjoyed reading and that you were able to find at least one or two traditions that resonate with you and your loved ones.

Remember, the important thing is not necessarily to start a new tradition from scratch but rather to infuse some meaning into the everyday rituals and routines that already make up your life.

So go out there and get started on YOUR family tradition project today! And if you need a little inspiration along the way, be sure to check back here for more great ideas.


Charlene is a published author/writer who has embarked on a personal journey, with the hope of providing guidance, support and advice to all who may need it.

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