The image shows strips of white paper on top of each other with the word 'codependency' written in bold print

Overcoming codependency – Tips for breaking free from unhealthy patterns

Do you find yourself constantly walking on eggshells around certain people? Or feeling like you have to put everyone else’s needs before your own? If so, then you might need help overcoming codependency. This is an unhealthy reliance on someone else for emotional or financial support. It can be toxic to both parties involved and can lead to serious relationship problems

In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips for overcoming codependency and regaining control of your life. We’ll also look at some warning signs that may indicate that you’re in a codependent relationship. So, if you’re ready to break free from these unhealthy patterns, read on!

Define what codependency is and why it’s unhealthy

Codependency {1} can be defined as a dysfunctional relationship dynamic in which one person relies on the other for validation of their self-worth. This mutually destructive habit is often seen in intimate relationships such as marriages, familial relationships, and even friendships.

It can create an unhealthy attachment that leads to behavior that ultimately strips away individuals’ independence, confidence, and autonomy- all key pieces to living your best life. So, take this keen advice – breaking free from this can help you live a more healthy and empowered life!

Image shows a silhouette of a couple standing side by side with the word 'codepencey' in blue shone all over them as well as around them in hologram form.
Overcoming Codependency

Identify the signs that you may be codependent in a relationship

One of the telltale signs that you may be involved in a codependent dynamic is if you’re doing things out of a sense of responsibility to another person, rather than because they genuinely bring joy and happiness.

It can also manifest as extreme emotions such as anxiety or guilt if someone doesn’t meet your expectations. If you find yourself getting emotionally overwhelmed by interactions with others, it’s time to start taking inventory in regards to overcoming the codependency that is playing out in your relationships.

Additionally, do you ever feel like you have to “fix” someone else or take on their problems for them? These are all signs that perhaps it’s time to reflect and assess whether it might be dominating the situation (and our lives).

Learn how to set boundaries with codependent people in your life

Setting boundaries with codependent people in your life can be challenging, but it is a key component of overcoming codependency. The best way to go about this is to start by being honest and direct with them – let them know what the boundaries are and why you need to set them.

It’s important to also give yourself permission to practice self-care and make sure that your own needs and feelings come first. Some helpful tools to keep in mind include saying ‘no’ assertively, not taking things personally, and knowing when to take a break or step away from the situation if it becomes too difficult.

When done correctly, setting boundaries will help bring balance back into your life while improving the quality of relationships you share with those around you.

Image shows a dark skinned and light skinned couple's clasped hands chained together with a hard silver link chain, a overcoming codependency implication.

Understand why you might stay in a codependent relationship

When it comes to figuring out why we might stay in a codependent relationship, the answer is complex. It could be because we grew up around this kind of relationship model and don’t see any other way, it might be that we are afraid of being alone and feel like no one else will love us.

Or it could even be that we’re in too deep already and have put our lives on pause for so long that the idea of starting over terrifies us more than staying in this pattern does. The good news is that only when you can name the reason behind why you’re staying in a codependent relationship can you find ways to break free from its unhealthy patterns.

Regardless of why you stayed, understanding yourself and your needs is step 1 on the road to freedom.

Find out what healthy relationships look like

If your idea of a healthy relationship looks like it’s coming straight out of a mid-90s romcom, then you’re bound to be disappointed. Instead of checking off all the stereotypes, focus on the little things. Open communication with your partner especially about jealousy, mutual respect, and fairness are all hallmarks of stable, healthy relationships.

Sitting down with someone you trust and having an honest conversation about what does (and doesn’t) work for both of you is the best way to navigate relationship issues before they reach codependent levels.

Image shows a couple struggling to overcome codependency

Tips for overcoming codependency

Taking back control of your life and healing yourself from overcoming codependency and behavior can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s important to acknowledge that old habits die hard, but by practicing the tips for breaking free from codependency, you can create a positive shift in how you view and interact with yourself and others.

To tip the scales in your favor, start by taking ownership of your actions and making a commitment, to be honest about who you are and what boundaries you need to set in order to find emotional freedom.

This step might bring some short-term discomfort but it is essential towards living a healthier life that allows for better self-care and true connection with loved ones. Have faith in your ability to make lasting changes, even when things get hard – small steps lead to big gains along the way!


If you find yourself in any of these codependent patterns, don’t worry – you’re not alone. The first step is admitting that you have a problem (that sounds like something out of AA, and it kind of is). But the next steps are completely up to you. You don’t have to stay in this cycle forever if you don’t want to.

There are resources and professionals available to help you if you need it, but ultimately it will be up to your own strength and determination to break free from these unhealthy patterns. Just remember, take it one day at a time – and eventually, with effort, things will get better.


Charlene is a published author/writer who has embarked on a personal journey, with the hope of providing guidance, support and advice to all who may need it.

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