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Image shows a tic-tac-toe representation of different types of boundries in relationships
Different types of boundaries in relationships
We all know the saying, “Good fences make good neighbors.” But what about relationships? What kind of boundaries do we need to set up in order to have happy, healthy, and productive relationships...
A orange hued sunset silhouette of a couple touching fingertips as depicting the tentative rlelationship of negotiating needs and wants.
Negotiating needs and wants - Practical advice for creating deeper connections
As a wife and mother, I’ve learned a thing or two about negotiating needs and wants. Whether it’s with my hard-headed husband about what need or with my bratty kids about screen time, let me...
The image shows strips of white paper on top of each other with the word 'codependency' written in bold print
Overcoming codependency - Tips for breaking free from unhealthy patterns
Do you find yourself constantly walking on eggshells around certain people? Or feeling like you have to put everyone else’s needs before your own? If so, then you might need help overcoming codependency....
Image shows the different meanings of jealousy slotted togther like a puzzle box in shades of green and black.
How to deal with jealousy in a relationship
Jealousy.That old green-eyed monster. We’ve all felt it before and it’s not a great feeling. Whether it’s being jealous of a friend’s new car or your partner’s ex, jealousy...
Image shows the word 'family' spelt out with wooded blocks on a wooden surface.
Family tradition project ideas
We all have our family traditions. Whether it’s something as simple as a Sunday roast chicken or a more complicated affair like visiting in-laws (just kidding), these traditions is part of what make...