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Why Reading Is Beneficial | My Personal Experiences
When I’m reading a good book, I get lost in the story and I forget about everything else going on. It’s a great way to escape from reality. And I think that’s one of the reasons why reading...
A photo taken of 2 wedding rings, overlapping each other.
Marriage Problems and Solutions - A Personal Reflection
It is no secret that marriage is hard. It takes a lot of work to make it successful. But what do you do when it feels like the work is too much? When you are struggling and don’t know where to turn?...
Experiencing New Things - Spicing Up Life
I think that one of the best things in life is experiencing new things; it’s always great to step out of your comfort zone and try something different. I know that for me, living a monotonous life...
An image of a boy jumping between 2 ledges.
What Does It Mean To Be Brave And Courageous?
What does it mean to be brave and courageous? defines the words as follows:  brave means “having or showing determination and strength in the face of danger or difficulty”,...
Spelling tiles used to spell out body positivity on a red mat.
The Whole Body Positivity Controversy - My Personal Take On It
As women, we’re constantly being told what to do, how to look, and what’s acceptable. We’re criticized for our weight, our clothes, and even the way we talk. It can feel like we’re...