image depicts the difficulties of a teenager

Difficulties of being a teenager

They say raising teenagers is an adventure. Well, with a daughter who is 16 and a son who is 13, navigating the ‘difficulties of being a teenager’ phase is an adventure park with a triple shot of espresso on the side. Don’t get me wrong, I love them fiercely, to the moon and back. But …

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Letting Go, Holding On: The Bittersweet Joy of Raising Teenagers

Ah, teenagers. Creatures who morph from cuddly caterpillars into opinionated butterflies overnight, leaving you equal parts proud and bewildered. One minute they’re building pillow forts and giggling over poop jokes, the next they’re sporting eye rolls that could rival Mount Everest and declaring you “totally embarrassing.” Raising teenagers is enough to make you want to …

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