Image shows a spiral white notepad on a white sheet with the words, ‘love yourself’ written in black with 3 plastic flowers- one white, on in shades of pink and one cerise-thrown decoratively around it and a brown paper gift box with red ribbon wrapped into a bow.

Learning to love yourself – Practical strategies for self-care

“The first step to loving yourself is admitting that you need to.” For some people, this comes naturally. They were born with an innate sense of self-worth and never doubted their value for a second. But for others, like me, admitting that we deserve love and care can be incredibly difficult.

Why is it so hard for us to show ourselves the same compassion that we so easily give to others? Maybe it’s because we’ve been taught that being selfish is bad. We’ve been told our entire lives that we need to put others first and think of their needs before our own.

And while there’s nothing wrong with being considerate of others, at the end of the day, you have to make sure that you’re learning to love yourself too. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup. So what does it mean to love yourself? And how can you start practicing self-care if you’re not used to it?

 In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some practical tips and strategies for making self-care a part of your daily routine. Hopefully, by the end, you’ll have a better understanding of what it means to love yourself and why it’s so important.”

Why is self-care important and what are the benefits of it

Self-care isn’t just treating yourself to a spa day or a shopping spree (I mean if anyone IS offering I definitely will be game) – it’s also about making sure our mental and physical health is in the best shape it can be. Taking care of ourselves is paramount for attending to all the important tasks and duties we take on in our lives.

Not only does self-care help us maintain a sense of balance, it offers plenty of other benefits, too. Studies have shown that with consistent self-care practices, we can increase our happiness levels and feel more connected to our friends and family, as well as build better coping skills for times of stress or difficulty. Self-care brings about clarity, strength, creativity, energy, and resilience– all great qualities for getting us through life’s ups and downs!

Image shows hands shaped into a heart with a beach sunset in the background.

The different types of self-care – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual

Self-care is self-love, it is more than simply taking occasional baths and drinking herbal tea. It’s a holistic approach to looking after all aspects of you: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Nurturing these four things creates greater overall well-being and a healthier lifestyle in general.

Physical self-care could involve anything from exercising regularly to getting enough sleep and going for regular medical check-ups.

 Mental self-care strives for a balanced state of mind – activities such as meditation or journaling can be useful in achieving this balance.

Emotional self-care includes healthy expressions of emotions like laughter and crying when needed, but also recognizing unhealthy behaviors like avoidance or emotional suppression, and occasionally taking a break from social media can help reduce anxiety too.

Finally, spiritual self-care may look different for each person – whether it’s repeating an affirmation every day or developing an awareness of the divine presence within oneself, there are many practical strategies that one can employ on their own journey of self-love.

How to get started with self-care – setting goals, making time for yourself, and creating a support system

Learning to love yourself can be a daunting task. It’s hard to figure out where to start, but there are some practical approaches that can help.

– First and foremost, set specific goals for yourself that are attainable and measurable.

-Make time for yourself each day to work towards those goals and remember that progress, not perfection, is the ultimate goal.

-Surround yourself with positive people who will support you through your journey of self-care. This could mean joining a wellness group, plugging into an online community, or simply relying on close family and friends who have your best interests at heart.

Taking the time to invest in yourself will make all the difference in helping you achieve a loving relationship with the most important person in the world – YOU!

Image shows learning to love yourself with a hand writing points, with a black pen on glass, about bettering oneself through skills, motivation, action, vision, growth and commitment.

Tips and tricks for maintaining your self-care routine

Self-care is all about prioritizing yourself and making sure to work your own needs into the mix. Finding what works best for you and mounting a routine that fits your life can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. Practicing small acts of self-care throughout the day can make all the difference in how you perceive and take care of yourself.

Start planning your day so you don’t feel rushed– this could mean laying out your clothes the night before or prepping a home-cooked meal in advance; whatever it takes for you to reduce stress around your daily tasks without sacrificing quality time with yourself. Amazing how that simple thing can help with anxiety levels!

Get creative when it comes to sustaining an enjoyable self-care routine because taking a break from life’s obligations should always be something special and not feel like just another item on your to-do list.

Overcoming obstacles in your journey to loving yourself

Loving yourself is no easy feat – more often than not there are obstacles in the way. Maybe you have experienced a trauma that still leaves wounds, or you feel like you’re not good enough, always comparing yourself to others.

Self-doubt and over thinking can be overwhelming and paralyzing, so it’s best to start small by understanding where these feelings come from and living with kindness. You can start by practicing self-acceptance and compassion – rejecting the negative voices in your head telling you that you’re not worthy and replacing them with positive reaffirmations.

Find a supportive community of friends who understand what it’s like to struggle to love themselves, challenge yourself to do things outside your comfort zone, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from a therapist or other health care professionals if you have to. Step by step, brick by brick, build you…give yourself the best chance to love who YOU are.

Image shows a red mug on a white surface and white background with a piece if paper leaning against it saying, ‘self care’.


Learning to love yourself is not just a matter of lavishing love on yourself, it’s also about making sure that you are taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. It doesn’t matter whether you take a yoga class once a week or plan out a self-care day every month; the important thing is to be conscious and intentional with your self-care habits.

When you start to form routines that nurture your well-being, and when you become comfortable expressing love for yourself – not just in words but in action – that’s when the true transformation begins.

Above all else, remember that self-love is a journey, not a destination – so don’t give up if it seems challenging at first but each day can make a big difference in living an authentic life.

After all, when it comes to self-love there is no finish line; it’s an all-encompassing process that may take some time to master, but always remember: if you’re willing to put in the effort, the journey will bring so much joy.

So don’t forget: love requires commitment from both ends; so choose learning to love yourself today and make sure you stick around for the long haul!


Charlene is a published author/writer who has embarked on a personal journey, with the hope of providing guidance, support and advice to all who may need it.

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