image shows words on a tar surface with black lettering in yellow saying FEAR and eleborated in white saying "face,everything and rise."

How to overcome fear in life

Fear can be a paralyzing emotion, leaving us too scared to move. But the truth is, overcoming fear means stepping outside our comfort zone to take a risk and accept the possibility of failure. There’s no magic spell or elixir that will immediately dissolve away all doubts and worries.

The key is to not let our fears control us or prevent us from living our lives to the fullest.

Tips on how to overcome fear in life:

Identify your fear:

The first step is to identify what it is that you are afraid of. Once you know what your fear is, you can begin to face it and work on overcoming it.

Challenge your fears:

Once you know what your fears are, start to challenge them. Are they really as bad as you think they are? Often, when we face our fears, we realize that they were much worse in our heads than they actually are in real life. Live authentically!

Take small steps:

If facing your fear head-on feels too daunting, take small steps instead. For example, if you’re afraid of public speaking, start by talking to a few friends about something that interests you. Then move on to talking in front of groups of people, baby steps will get you there.                                     

Image shows a blue-eyed man hiding in the shadows trying to overcome fear.
Overcome the fear of being alone or of the dark.

Be prepared:

Another way to overcome your fears is to be as prepared as possible before taking action. If you know what you’re doing and have a plan, you’ll feel more confident and less scared.

Find support:

Don’t forget that there are people who care about you and want to help you succeed. Find a supportive friend, or family member, or open up to your partner who can help encourage and motivate you as you work towards conquering your fear!

Exercises to overcome fear

I think we can all relate to feeling afraid at one time or another. I’m sure we can agree that 2020 was a year of fear and for most of us that year will be forever forged in history. Fear is a natural and common emotion but just because fear is normal doesn’t mean we have to like it!

I for one am not a fan of feeling scared. That’s why I’ve developed some go-to exercises for when fear strikes. These exercises have helped me cope and I hope they can do the same for you.

Get a pet

If you’re battling fear, sometimes it’s not enough to just confront it. Why not take a proactive step and get yourself a pet? Having the companionship of a furry friend can help you feel more secure and loved, while at the same time encouraging you to take care of them – which means less time devoted to being fearful.

Sure, owning a pet is a serious commitment so make sure you’re ready for it before taking the plunge, but if done right, your four-legged buddy may be able to help you fight the biggest adversaries of all — your own worries.

Take up a new hobby

If you’re looking for a way to boost your confidence and prove to yourself what you are truly capable of, then taking up a new hobby may be just the thing you need.

By stepping out of your normal and learning something new, you can gain a sense of accomplishment that will make all those times you felt scared seem like distant memories. Not only will it be fun, but also you’ll open yourself up to exciting experiences and perhaps even meet some new people along the way. So why not take a chance? There’s no better time than now.

Image shows the track railsred of a red rollercoaster with the big blue sky as a backdrop.
Overcome the fear of rollercoasters.

Go outside your comfort zone

Taking on the challenge of doing something scary every day can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be an extreme leap out of your comfort zone. In fact, it can be as simple as saying ‘hi’ to a stranger or getting out of your seat in the middle of a movie or show you’re watching.

Doing small acts like these can help build up the confidence and courage needed to do more challenging things later on. Plus, it keeps life interesting! Don’t worry about making mistakes – even if you don’t take part in scary activities on any given day, embracing change and trying something new is still a big step forward toward overcoming fear.

Face your fears head-on

It may be tempting to try and ignore our fears or pretend they don’t exist, but that will only make them worse in the long run. Facing our fears head-on is often the best solution to overcoming fear. Even though confronting what we fear can be scary, it has a unique way of providing us with strength, growth, and clarity.

It’s a great way to deal with anxiety and build resilience too! So instead of hiding from your fears, why not embrace them? After all, the only constant in life is change – and facing our fears can help us grow and adapt in life.

The image shows a tall building and an aircraft flying overhead, it depicts the fear of both heights and flying.
Overcome the fear of heights and flying.

Talk to someone who understands

Have you ever faced a fear that makes you feel like all eyes are on you? Well, why not talk to someone who has been through it? Talking to someone who has already been through the same situation can be incredibly helpful and cathartic, as they have already navigated the terrain of fear.

Not only will they likely understand exactly how you’re feeling in your current state but they can also offer invaluable insights and encouragement to help guide you on your own journey of overcoming fear. So don’t shy away from talking to someone who understands – sometimes it’s just what we need to gain clarity, find strength and move bravely into loving yourself.

How to remove fear from mind and heart

It’s impossible to be fearless all the time. Fear is a natural emotion that we all experience on a daily basis. Whether it’s fear of public speaking, fear of failure, or fear of the unknown, we’ve all been there. But what if I told you that there are ways to remove fear from your mind and heart?

Define what fear is and how it manifests in your life

Fear is relentless and sometimes hard to define, but it’s like having a dark cloud looming above you, never allowing itself to be forgotten. It can manifest in many ways, from the tiny butterflies of anxiousness when deciding something for the future, all the way to debilitating phobias that hold us back from fully engaging with our lives.

It is unique to every person, but ultimately it seeks to imprison us and hold us back from reaching our highest potential. Knowing this makes recognizing how fear affects us in our everyday lives paramount; understanding its power can help us form defense mechanisms so we can find a way to live without being controlled or clouded by it.

The image shows the darkened shadowed hands pressed against a glassy wet surface.
Overcome the fear of confined spaces.

Understand that fear is normal and everyone experiences it

We’ve all been there, at that moment when the fear rises and chills us to our core. It’s okay – fear is normal! Everyone experiences it from time to time and can be a helpful signal to pay attention to what’s happening around us.

Although it may seem like your fear is holding you back, try seeing it for what it is – an innate part of being human that can protect us from harm and help remind us of what we need to pay attention to. Breathe deep and remember: understanding that fear is normal is the first step toward removing it from our minds and hearts.

Learn how to deal with fear by using different techniques

Fear can often be a tricky thing to deal with, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to manage! By learning specific techniques, such as breathing exercises, visualization, and positive affirmations, you can learn how to effectively remove it from your mind and heart.

Making it a habit of taking some time each day to practice these methods can help you stay on top of managing your fear without feeling overwhelmed by it. Remember, the more you put into it and the more work you put into yourself, the better off you’ll be in the long run.

The image shows Serviettelaying flat beside a cup of tea and silver pen, with the inked words 'Never let your fear decide your fate'.

Practice these techniques

It’s a process, not something that will happen overnight, – you will find inner peace coming along with the additional benefit of being able to think more objectively. It’s easier said than done, but with time and practice, it really is possible to overcome.

The key is committing to these techniques regularly until they become second nature and you won’t even have to think about them before they come into use – just like brushing your teeth!

If you can carve out some space in your routine for focusing on releasing the fear that has been blocking you, you’ll be well on your way toward living a life of resilience and flexibility. If this process takes longer than you expect, remember to remain patient–you will get there.

Choose to let go of fear

Remember that you always have the power within yourself to make the choice. No matter what external influences may be contributing to feeling overwhelmed with fear, you can choose to shift away from that and towards a more empowering outlook.

The feeling might try to creep in and will attempt to stay, but ultimately it’s up to you how much you let it affect your state of mind and heart. Let go of fear, take charge, and find your own internal strength.

The image shows the two meanings of fear on a chalk blackboard.

bible verses for overcoming fear and anxiety

In order to get through this thing called life, there has to be a certain level of faith involved because having something to believe in is the ultimate ‘weapon’. I, personally have faith in God and my bible has been my lifeline. This holy book {1} contains many verses that can help us to overcome so many things.

Let’s explore what they mean and how we can apply them to our lives.

2 Timothy 1:7 –

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Fear and anxiety can be powerful forces that have a negative impact on our lives. According to 2 Timothy 1:7, however, the divine power of God has given us courage, love, and clarity so that we don’t have to live in fear.

What an incredible source of comfort it is to know that God has provided us with inner strength and peace no matter what obstacles we encounter. When life gets challenging or distressing, let us embrace this bible verse as a reminder that if we ask for help, the spirit of God will give us the courage to face our fears in a confident and loving way.

Isaiah 41:10 –

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

The words of Isaiah 41:10 is like someone is reaching out and reminding us that we do not have to be afraid because God is with us, always. He strengthens us in times of hardship and will never let us down.

His faithfulness and strength allow us to stand firm even when we feel vulnerable, so don’t forget the power that these words carry! Believe in them, hold them close, and let their truth guide you through your journey.

The image shows yellow highlighted text in the bible.

Psalm 46:1-3 –

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”

It’s easy to get overwhelmed in our daily lives, with worries, anxieties, and fears all coming at us faster than we can handle. But Psalm 46:1-3 offers a way out of that. It reminds us of the safe, strong shelter that God provides for all who turn to him in times of trouble.

With these four short verses, God is calling out and reassuring us that no matter what happens – whether the earth bequeath or the mountains fall into the Heart of the Sea – we will never face these hardships alone. He will always be an ever-present help ready and willing to guide us through whatever life throws our way.

Philippians 4:6-7 –

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us that God is willing and ready to give us peace when we turn to Him with prayer and thanksgiving. When we come before Him, He will guard our hearts and minds in Jesus Christ – so no matter how tough the situation might seem, God is always able to provide comfort and relief.

Taking these bible verses literally could help us by remembering that it’s ok to entrust everything to God – He will always listen.  So breathe easy knowing that God is by your side, helping you tackle any worries or anxieties that may come your way.

The image shows Psalms 23 from the holy bible.

Matthew 6:34 –

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Matthew 6:34 is one of the most oft-quoted bible verses for fighting negative emotions; it serves as a reminder that worrying about tomorrow will not make it any better. As dismal as today’s troubles seem, we must remind ourselves that they pale in comparison to tomorrow’s worries.

We should take courage in knowing that whatever discomfort we experience today is only limited to this moment and tomorrow holds new opportunities to have faith in times of worry.


It would be difficult to go through life without experiencing some level of fear. We all have it and there is no shame in admitting that. It takes patience and effort to slowly dismantle our anxieties and find strength in taking on challenges with courage.

It’s a bumpy ride, but when we come out at the other end of fear – we are stronger and wiser than before.


Charlene is a published author/writer who has embarked on a personal journey, with the hope of providing guidance, support and advice to all who may need it.

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